
Our Humble Beginnings

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The Whitfield Historical Foundation was formed to provide recognition to the contributions of the Sharecroppers and their importance to Missouri and national history.

  • To remain true to the efforts of our Ancestors by continuing to look out for those around us by reaching out to others in need and providing a helping hand no matter our own situations.
  • To assist those who have struggled all their lives and still have little to show for it.
  • To do all that we can to help others struggling with homelessness and hunger.
  • To help provide resources for those who wish to seek help tackling mental and generational traumas.
  • And to do all that we can to help propel the next generation forward to become productive members of society.

To Where We are Today

The Whitfield Historical Foundation, a Humanitarian non-profit organization being operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.   The program expenses will be paid for through donations from individuals, organizations and grants.


1.) Our organization was founded for the purpose of promoting and preserving the history and cultural heritage of sharecroppers.

We believe that descendants should never forget the rich history of sharecroppers and the honor of their struggle against oppression of the planters, farmers and the desperate conditions of their lives.  This activity is conducted for preserving the legacy and celebrating the cultural aspects of sharecroppers’ lives at hard times of their suffering. The aim is to show how they survived and to pass on the history, stories, acts of moral integrity and national accomplishments.   We also provide repairs and maintenance works at the settlement site and cemetery of sharecroppers.  We provide summer picnics and various outdoor activities honoring former settlers and family members for celebrating memory of the location, its founders, leaders and residents; to share strong awareness of self-reliance, community responsibility, personal dignities and civil rights.


2.) Our organization’s initiative is to support our youth for their personal attributes, their desires to propel themselves forward and become more than what their parents and grandparents may have been predisposed to; civic achievements and leadership abilities with educational scholarships.

We have launched programs to help young adults entering college with educational scholarships which will be useful to them in purchasing textbooks and necessities for school.  These scholarships will be named after prominent people in Missouri’s History. 

We also have a scholarship program for high school age youths wishing to explore the field of carpentry.   The teens are paired with mentoring contractors who are willing to introduce them to the field.  The teens gain hands on skills with minor home repairs. 


3.) Our organization partners and supports other local non-profits willing to collaborate efforts to improve the lives of our next generation of American’s. Mental Wellness in the community and in the nation is another one of the things, we are passionate about. It is important to heal the generational trauma’s in the black communities along with trauma’s of today in all communities.

We are partnered with a local organization K.H.A.O.S. Inc., which we believe has excellent programs that addresses the needs in the community.  Candice Cox LCSW, (the face of our mental wellness program) will teach her program Organized KHAOS (Kids Healing And Overcoming Stressors).

 ORGANIZED KHAOS is a life skills group that provides an opportunity for character development.  This program is designed to decrease the amount of negative behaviors exhibited by adolescents that are associated with poor social and coping skills by training and implementing appropriate anger management and social skills.   These skills are introduced in a group setting to provide a platform for peer education.  The children participate in group sessions for one hour a week.  Through hands on activities, role-playing, group discussion, and community involvement, the children will have several opportunities to practice and master learned skills.


4. Our Organization thrives to give hope to those that feel that they are struggling all alone in this world through R.A.O.K. (Random Acts of Kindness).

A program that helps members of the community who are low-income, seniors & disabled, by distributing toiletries, gift cards - etc. 

Contractor Jason teaches sink installation

5. Youth Mentoring Program

The Youth Mentoring Program created as a community outreach program targeting high school age boys and girls to kindle their interest in pursuing a construction career.

“No doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens in every town can change the world.”

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